Państwowy Urząd Repatriacyjny (abbreviated PUR, translated into English as State Repatriation Office, State Office of Repatriation, National Repatriation Office or National Office of Repatriation) was a Polish communist governmental body created on 7 October 1944 to oversee the repatriations in Poland. At first, PUR oversaw repatriations of Poles from Kresy, and from 1945, repatriations of Germans from Regained Territories. Also, in 1945, PUR powers were limited, as some it its competences were transferred to the newly created post of the General Representative of the Government for Repatriation (Generalny Pełnomocnik Rządu do spraw Repatriacji).
Directors: Władysław Wolski, Michał Sapieha, Mścisław Olechnowicz.